Mariam Falaileh
Mariam Falaileh
tymon teo borzecki
tymon teo borzecki
Emma Johansson
tymon teo borzecki
tymon teo borzecki
tymon teo borzecki
tymon teo borzecki
tymon teo borzecki
Hanna Valle
Emma Johansson
Hanna Valle
Mariam Falaileh
Emma Johansson
Emma Johansson
Emma Johansson
Hanna Valle
Hanna Valle
Mariam Falaileh
Mariam Falaileh

To be bound to the earth acknowledges
that the world is not around us, the world
is of us. Being earthbound is to be a body
that has formed from other bodies, to be of
water that is temporarily ours, and in every
breath, to take the world in. Matter and
energy that build our flesh and
consciousness alike, flow through a hot
mess of other sentient hum/animals, plants
and ecosystems.


The role of a lover entails a reciprocal
relationship of negotiation, consent and
friendship, connection and relationality. It
is to have a union, to be companions. The
position of a lover has an ethical
dimension. By choosing love we wish to
stay with the trouble, while centring more-
than-rational connections with/in the
ecological reality.

Earthbound Lovers is a curatorial project
and exhibition series dealing with
questions of ecology, sexuality, and nature

tymon teo borzecki
tymon teo borzecki
Hanna Valle